Spiritual Growth

Top US Virologist Blows Whistle On COVID-19

Judy Mikovits, PhD, is a biochemist and molecular biologist who has worked in top government labs on the Ebola, HIV, and coronaviruses like SARS. When […]

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COVID-19: Two Videos You MUST Watch to Deprogram Your Mind!

The past few months have been a rollercoaster for most, with an incredible tightening of control over the usual freedoms we took for granted until […]

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COVID-19: Waiting to live, waiting to die?

Humanity has been collectively awakening over the past few years. There has been a great arising of power because we have been making many more choices that collectively decide who we […]

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How Messengers Appear In Our Daily Lives: Cockroach Symbolism & Meaning

Currently, I’m visiting Cape Town, South Africa with my wife and almost three year old son.  My family and I have decided to set off […]

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Why you must STOP drinking Apple Cider Vinegar – or any other Vinegar!

 There are many wrong turns you can take when it comes to taking care of your health. The latest fad of drinking apple cider vinegar […]

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The Power of “Soham” Mantra

“Soham” simply means “He, I am”, “Brahman, I am.” “Sah” means “He.” “Aham” means “I.”  A mantra is a meditation technique that helps to quiet […]

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Intuitive Astrology: November Full Moon in Taurus 2019

November 11, 2019
Astrology , Spirit Science , Spiritual Growth ,  0 comments

The November 12th Full Moon in Taurus is one of the best we have had in a long time. It brings abundant, expansive energy that […]

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We are born creative geniuses and the education system dumbs us down, according to NASA scientists

It probably comes as no surprise to many of us to hear that our natural creative genius is stifled from early on in life, even […]

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Healing Moon Meditation

 This wonderful meditation by Anthony William, the medical medium, cleanses the mind of poisonous thoughts racing through a busy mind and clears toxic emotions stored […]

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These Simple Two-Minute Mind Exercises Can Dramatically Increase Your Happiness Right Now

Happiness is not some faraway goal that you need to achieve, it’s actually hiding right under your nose. Happiness is an attitude of mind that you cultivate on a […]

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