Insights on News and World Affairs

1 Million March For Medical Freedom In London, England! Mainstream Media Almost Totally Silent.

Did you know that approximately 1M peaceful loving people marched for medical freedom and bodily autonomy in London, England on Saturday, 24th April, 2021?  The […]

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Are the new ‘biosecurity’ measures coming into play the slippery slope to a Chinese style app?

According to the BBC, the UK government’s new Joint Biosecurity Centre is to take a more prominent role in co-ordinating the response to Covid-19. This […]

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The COVID lie: Is humanity experiencing a state of psychosis?

Right now, the world is rushing towards creating a vaccine for a disease that is already on its way out. Despite the overall decrease in […]

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DNA vaccines change your genetic makeup—true or false?

Jon Rappoport is a world class investigative reporter who has been reporting on new types of technology that could be used in a coming COVID-19 […]

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Do Masks Even Work? Can You Be Forced To Wear One? Dr. Kaufman Weighs In! Since the Corona Virus outbreak we have seen the rhetoric change quickly from ‘flatten to the curve’ and ‘stay home, save lives’ to ‘new normal’ and […]

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President of Tanzania John Magufuli declares Tanzania free of Covid-19

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has declared the country “coronavirus free” thanks to prayers by citizens. “The corona disease has been eliminated thanks to God,” Mr Magufuli […]

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Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018 that 60GHz blocks Oxygen uptake

This is an incredible short, must-watch video from Joe Imbriano, who has been investigating 5G technology for a long time, and can be rightly said […]

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The Creation of a False Epidemic with Jon Rappoport

“A step‐op is one in which the bad guys keep going, one intrusion after another. It isn’t just West Nile, it’s West Nile, then SARS, […]

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Professor Dolores Cahill Debunks the Fear-based Narrative from Mainstream Media! MUST WATCH VIDEO! Professor Dolores Cahill is a TOP SCIENTIST/EXPERT with experience running a level 4 lab. She has bravely come out and called the rush for […]

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Lockstep: Rockefeller plan details government takeover through pandemic martial law

A Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network whitepaper published in May of 2010 reveals a planned scenario in which governments around the world would be […]

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