Jaime Tanna

Feng Shui | Space Clearing For Your Home

To live a life of grace and abundance, it is vital to have a good flow of clear, vibrant energy in your body, in your […]

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The incredible story of Dr Edward Bach

Dr Edward Bach was a British doctor, bacteriologist, homeopath, and spiritual writer, best known for developing the Bach flower remedies, which are still in widespread […]

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Graphene Oxide found in the COVID Vaccines! Everything you must know!

For the past two months, critical new information has come to light from various sources, predominantly from La Quinta Columna in Spain, and key interviews on […]

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Anna De Buisseret Serves Notice of Criminal Liability on Covid Vaccinators Under Nuremberg Code

August 1, 2021
COVID , Spiritual Growth , Vaccines ,  0 comments Jaime Tanna

Senior UK lawyer Anna De  Buisseret is also an ex Army officer and former management consultant for Pfizer. In this groundbreaking podcast, she lucidly explains how […]

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Dr Hoffe Warns MRNA Jabs Causing Microscopic Blood Clots!

Dr Charles Hoffe MD, in his latest update of July 6, 2021 is reporting on the disturbing findings in his patients. He says the mRNA […]

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Planet Lockdown: Interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer

In a compelling interview, Dr. Mike Yeadon lays out the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding Covid – and how we are now […]

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1 Million March For Medical Freedom In London, England! Mainstream Media Almost Totally Silent.

Did you know that approximately 1M peaceful loving people marched for medical freedom and bodily autonomy in London, England on Saturday, 24th April, 2021?  The […]

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April 21, 2021
COVID , Spiritual Growth , Vaccines ,  0 comments Jaime Tanna

Incredible events are unfolding at this time — but a large percentage of people are STILL NOT aware of critical information being shared by hundreds […]

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Israeli Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Talk ‘Global Genocide’

March 26, 2021
COVID , Health , Spiritual Growth ,  0 comments Jaime Tanna

The following interview with Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav is extremely powerful and pertinent to today’s rising medical fascism, under the guise of a pandemic. Here’s a […]

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2 Doctors Say COVID Vaccine Studies Should Be Stopped Because it Contains a Spike Protein That Can Cause Infertility in Women

December 4, 2020
COVID , Health ,  0 comments Jaime Tanna

Two physicians are now coming forward exposing the truth about the COVID vaccines and the inherent dangers that are contained within them. On December 1, […]

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Neurologist Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD talks about face masks

  The following is a transcript of the highlights (by Henna Maria) from Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson’s recent extremely pressing video message, that was translated on-air […]

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The Power of Understanding Time Segments

Try to become clear on “time segments” as you enter them. Every day, notice how there is a flow of time, and also energy.  You […]

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