A Sunrise Prayer to Start Your Day

A Sunrise Prayer to Start Your DayAs a global tribe, many of us struggle to maintain our sense of sanity in themidst of the chaos, suffering and unrest that is unfortunately part of the reality we meet in our newsfeed, and in our cities and towns. Yes, it’s important that we acknowledge the truth of what is happening in the world around us, but we also need to give ourselves the space (and permission) to simply be alive and attentive to the cosmic dance that is unfolding around us.

We can turn to the sages and wisdom-keepers of our ancestral past to help jog our individual and collective memory on how to do this.

I printed this out and taped it to our bathroom mirror, so I would see it every morning. I hope this prayer is helpful for you too!

All we need is the morning.
As long as there is sunrise,
then there is the possibility
that we can face all of our misfortunes,
celebrate all our blessings,
and live all our endeavors as human beings. 

Spirituality is something that has become
necessary in these troubled times.
Yet it is inherently superfluous.
We need it to remind ourselves,
to bolster ourselves,
to integrate ourselves,
to fulfill ourselves.

If we could simply acknowledge
the mystery of night
and the glory of morning,
we would need neither civilization nor spirituality.
At its simplest, life begins with dawn.
That is blessing enough.
All else becomes fullness immeasurable. 

At dawn, kneel down and give thanks
for this wonderful event.
We may think mornings are so common
they are unworthy of veneration,
but do you realize most places in the cosmos
do not have mornings?

This daily event is our supreme goodness. 

Greet the dawn.
That is your miracle to witness.
That is the ultimate beauty.
That is sacredness.
That is your gift from heaven.
That is your omen of prophesy.
That is knowledge that life is not futile.
That is enlightenment.
That is your meaning in life.
That is your directive.
That is your comfort.
That is the solemnity of duty.
That is inspiration for compassion.
That is the light of the ultimate.”

-Deng Ming-Dao

I was really struck by the line:

“We may think mornings are so common they are unworthy of veneration, but do you realize most places in the cosmos do not have mornings?”

When was the last time you rose early to watch the sun come up?

Greeting the day with a quiet mind and clear intention is a powerful way to start your day and receive new perspective on any challenge you face.

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Founder, The Sacred Science

Expand Your Awareness:

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June 28, 2018
chaos , cosmos , prayer , Suffering , sunrise , truth , 

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