Law of Attraction

The most powerful thing you can do is to spend time every day visualising your life as you want it to be.
The most powerful thing you can do - the thing that will give you much greater leverage than any actions - is to spend time every day [...]
Health and the Law of Attraction: How your body reflects your state of mind!
Despite all our advances in medicine in recent years, we have not yet fully understood or addressed vibrational imbalance as the true [...]
Inside your Vortex of Creation, your thoughts flow with ease and clarity and precision, your physical body feels stable, your stamina is high, and your timing is perfect as you interact with others.
Be easy about your life, letting all struggles and concerns go. No longer try to make things happen... with less resistance and more allowing, unwanted things cannot remain.
"Because of your daily tuning to the frequency of your Source, everything in your life experience will be beneficially affected by that decision." Abraham-Hicks
The Law of Attraction: Quitting your job or relationship
There are times in your life when you say 'enough is enough' and just need to move on.  Maybe that job, and the people around you, are no [...]
Your true power comes from your alignment, not your action!
Your true power comes from your alignment, not from your action. If you look carefully at your own life to see when you are taking action [...]
others cannot negatively affect you
In truth, others do not have the power to negatively affect your day to day experience; it is usually your negative thought and [...]
flower of life symbol
Have you thought about your thoughts?  How many thoughts do you have in a day? How much power is behind your thoughts when you've [...]
A note on: Asking and Receiving
Whenever a problem comes into focus, an answer is born at the same moment. This is how the Universe is set up.  There is no 'yin' [...]