Intuitive Astrology: October New Moon 2017

The October 19th New Moon falls in the sign of Libra and will be calling on all of us to find balance in our lives.

Libra is represented by the ‘keeper of the scales’ which means that whenever we have strong Libra energy, we are called upon to find balance in our routine and also within our heart and mind.

We need both our heart and mind to operate in this world as each holds its own unique intelligence and wisdom. However, many of us get so caught up in our thoughts and mental processes that we forget about the intuitive, softer guidance that our heart can also bring.

Under the influence of this Libra New Moon it is going to be really important to find this balance and to learn how to open up to the wisdom of your heart and mind.

Your heart has many messages to offer you, especially under all of this cosmic energy, so use these New Moon vibes to start tuning in and paying attention.

On a day-to-day level, this New Moon will be helping you to understand how you are choosing to spend your energy.

If something has been taking up too much of your time, or you are struggling to keep on top of things, this New Moon may force you to finally create some balance.

Just the same, if you have been procrastinating with a project or struggling to commit to decisions in your life, this New Moon will also be guiding you to find the balance and start taking more action.

No matter what message is delivered to you under this New Moon, it is all going to come back to how you can get into balance and find equilibrium in your inner and outer worlds.

For those who have not found balance in their lives, or for those who have been ignoring the cues from the Universe to get more aligned, this New Moon may deliver some events or feelings that force you to do so.

There is a slightly abrasive energy surrounding this New Moon, which can cause you to feel scattered, off balance and chaotic, but as long as you pay attention to what needs to be done and find your balance, you are going to sail through just fine.

If you find yourself feeling off-sorts with this New Moon energy, ask yourself how you can bring more grounding and balance into your life, and try to approach things one step at a time.

Feeling scattered is a clear sign that balance is needed, so pay attention.

In fact, the reason for this intensity is that the Universe is gearing up to present all of us with some much needed gifts and rewards which will come to fruition over the coming months.

All New Moons represent a time of planting seeds and laying down new ideas for the future, and whatever you plant or conjure up during this New Moon is likely to be extremely abundant and prosperous come Full Moon time.

Ultimately, October’s New Moon is extremely lucky and holds a lot of potential, you just need to be patient and pay attention to the cues from the Universe.

While Libra is also about finding balance, it is also about serving and being compassionate towards others. It is about putting yourself in other people’s shoes and finding compassion and empathy for other beings and nature.

Under the influence of this New Moon, it is also going to be important to think about balancing your connection with others.

If you find that someone is draining your time or constantly demanding things from you, it may be time to put some boundaries in place and learn how to say ‘No’.

Just the same, if you have been facing conflicts with someone and can’t seem to find a resolution, perhaps take a moment to put yourself in their shoes and see if that helps you to gain a new perspective.

As Wayne Dyer says-

Sometimes when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

Overall, October’s New Moon is guiding us to find our balance. Perhaps you can think back to what ground work you were putting into place back in April 2017 when the Full Moon was in Libra.

This was the last time we were all working with strong Libra lunar energy and perhaps now you are being given the opportunity to keep building and growing whatever you started or was a theme for you at that time.

Here is your Libra New Moon Ritual

Originally published on Forever Conscious

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October 17, 2017
balance , Libra , new moon , 

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