
War, violence, murder, massacre of millions of people—this is not possible if a man knows something of meditation. ~ Osho
War, violence, murder, massacre of millions of people—this is not possible if a man knows something of meditation. Then he also knows not [...]
In the East, we have developed a science: if you cannot find a soul mate, you can create one. And that science is Tantra. To find a soul [...]
Death is already happening. Whether you face it or not, whether you look at it or not, it is already there. It is just like breathing. When [...]
woman meditating in field with solar beams
Meditation takes us just as we are, both with our confusion and our sanity. This complete acceptance of ourselves as we are is a simple, [...]
stephen wiltshire autistic british architectural artist
Whether they are savants who can paint a masterpiece blindfolded in seconds, geniuses who can calculate numbers only a computer could, [...]
wim hof method ice bath
Wim Hof, heard of him?  He's broken 21 Guinness World Records and for good reason... The father-of-five, from Sittard, Holland, is [...]
Near Death Experience Causes Scientist To Wake Up!
Joyce Hawkes, Ph.D, was a biophysicist and cell biologist by training, a Fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of [...]
This school replaced detention with meditation and the results are stunning!
The traditional way of handling kids acting up at school is to immediately give them detention - and if that fails, suspension. Yet this [...]
Medicine and Meditation
Man is a disease. Diseases come to man, but man himself is also a disease. This is his problem, and too, this is his uniqueness. This [...]
Doorway to a New Dimension
We are breathing continuously from the moment of birth to the moment of death. Everything changes between these two points. Everything [...]