Massive “Horse” Lies Spouted About Nobel Prize Winning Treatment

September 13, 2021
COVID , Scientific Studies , Spiritual Growth ,  0 comments

In recent days, another big, fat lie has been allowed to circulate unchecked and unverified in headlines across the media landscape. “Ivermectin: Why Are U.S. […]

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Graphene Oxide found in the COVID Vaccines! Everything you must know!

Graphene Oxide found in the COVID Vaccines! Everything you must know!

For the past two months, critical new information has come to light from various sources, predominantly from La Quinta Columna in Spain, and key interviews on […]

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Dr Hoffe Warns MRNA Jabs Causing Microscopic Blood Clots!

Dr Hoffe Warns MRNA Jabs Causing Microscopic Blood Clots!

Dr Charles Hoffe MD, in his latest update of July 6, 2021 is reporting on the disturbing findings in his patients. He says the mRNA […]

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Planet Lockdown: Interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer

Planet Lockdown: Interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer

In a compelling interview, Dr. Mike Yeadon lays out the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding Covid – and how we are now […]

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Are the new 'biosecurity' measures coming into play the slippery slope to a Chinese style app?

Are the new ‘biosecurity’ measures coming into play the slippery slope to a Chinese style app?

According to the BBC, the UK government’s new Joint Biosecurity Centre is to take a more prominent role in co-ordinating the response to Covid-19. This […]

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The COVID lie - is humanity experiencing a state of psychosis?

The COVID lie: Is humanity experiencing a state of psychosis?

Right now, the world is rushing towards creating a vaccine for a disease that is already on its way out. Despite the overall decrease in […]

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Let’s fact-check Reuters: they say DNA vaccines don’t change your genetic makeup—true or false?

DNA vaccines change your genetic makeup—true or false?

Jon Rappoport is a world class investigative reporter who has been reporting on new types of technology that could be used in a coming COVID-19 […]

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Do Masks Even Work? Can You Be Forced To Wear One? Dr. Kaufman Weighs In! Since the Corona Virus outbreak we have seen the rhetoric change quickly from ‘flatten to the curve’ and ‘stay home, save lives’ to ‘new normal’ and […]

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Coronavirus: John Magufuli declares Tanzania free of Covid-19

President of Tanzania John Magufuli declares Tanzania free of Covid-19

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has declared the country “coronavirus free” thanks to prayers by citizens. “The corona disease has been eliminated thanks to God,” Mr Magufuli […]

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World Health Organisation

The Creation of a False Epidemic with Jon Rappoport

“A step‐op is one in which the bad guys keep going, one intrusion after another. It isn’t just West Nile, it’s West Nile, then SARS, […]

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