Scientific Studies

Taking B Vitamins Helps Reverse DNA Damage From Air Pollution – Including The Most Dangerous Kinds!

A new study by researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health showed that B vitamins may play a critical role in reducing the impact of […]

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Harvard neuroscientist concurs: Meditation not only reduces stress, it fundamentally changes your brain!

Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, was one of the first scientists to take the many claims about the […]

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10 Incredible Reasons To Start Drinking Matcha Green Tea Today!

Looking for energy? Forget caffeine from coffee and energy drinks which spike your energy levels temporarily but keep you hooked because the energy doesn’t last. […]

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Nobel Prize Laureate Proves Water Has Memory [video]

Did you know water has a rather unique and strange property: it has ‘memory’! Yet the assertion that ‘water has memory’ and that homeopathic dilutions […]

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Five Mood Boosting Secrets You Need To Know About!

January 17, 2017
Health , Scientific Studies ,  0 comments

Your mood has as much to do with what you eat as what you think. That’s because the brain is totally dependent of key mood-boosting […]

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Why medicine often has dangerous side effects for women!

November 19, 2016
Health , Scientific Studies ,  0 comments Jaime Tanna

Many of the medicines today, even common drugs like aspirin, were only ever tested on men. Yet the unknown side effects for women can be […]

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Remote Viewing Isn’t Pseudoscience! Physicist Russell Targ Slams Wikipedia!

Imagine you could sit in London and accurately see a building or location in New York – accurately, in real time! Further, what if you […]

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Qi Gong Master Demonstrates The Power of “Chi” Energy in Extraordinary Footage!

In the incredible video below, you can watch an actual Qi gong master from urban Java demonstrate the mind-blowing power we all possess! Chi energy, […]

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6 Humans With Real Superpowers That Science Can’t Explain!

Whether they are savants who can paint a masterpiece blindfolded in seconds, geniuses who can calculate numbers only a computer could, or regular people who […]

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Superhuman Wim Hof Climbs Mount Everest In Just His Shorts!

Wim Hof, heard of him?  He’s broken 21 Guinness World Records and for good reason… The father-of-five, from Sittard, Holland, is nicknamed “The Iceman”. Amongst […]

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