3 Simple Lessons for Staying Positive [video]

sean stephenson on tedx - 3 simple messages for staying positive

Sean Stephenson’s message is simple – as are all messages from truly great teachers who have walked their talk. And what is that message? Love.

Particularly self-love is key… we must drop the self-pity, and free ourselves from the prison of our own minds! Whilst Sean’s target audience for this TEDx talk is prison staff and prisoners, his message is Universal.

In the 10 minute video below from TEDx, Sean shares 3 simple lessons for staying positive!

Lesson #1: Never believe a prediction that doesn’t empower you. If you believe predictions that do not empower you, you will wither away and die… physically, or your spirit will die.

Lesson #2: You are not your condition! Whatever’s going on, you have to adapt to your environment…

Lesson #3: The real prison is your own mind.  We all have a mind that constantly chatters… we must operate from our hearts instead, mastering our emotions to see our infinite possibilities of choice and behaviour.

Sean says he’s here to rid the world of insecurity… looks likes he’s on path!

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July 26, 2016

Jaime Tanna

Jaime Tanna is an international teacher and energy therapist specialising in the healing arts. As the visionary founder and director of Energy Therapy, Jaime is an experienced Spiritual Teacher/Mentor, Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher, Sound Healer and Intuitive, and brings a wide array of different skills to the healing table. Coming from a family of pharmacists and doctors, Jaime grew up with a strong allopathic model of the world but quickly saw the limitations of that paradigm. Today, with clients and students throughout the world, Jaime specialises in personal and spiritual development, yoga and meditation, and clearing and rebalancing the human energy field inspiring clients and students to connect to their deepest being to create a life lived on purpose, and with joy!

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