
Sir John Eccles, a neurologist and Nobel laureate, declared, “I want you to realize that there exists no color in the natural world, and no sound—nothing of this kind; no textures, no patterns, no beauty, no scent.” What Eccles means is that all the qualities of nature, from the luxurious scent of a rose to the sting of a wasp and the [Countinue reading...]
Drum sound rises on the air, its throb, my heart. A voice inside the beat says, 'I know you're tired, but come. This is the way.' ~ Rumi
Drum sound rises on the air, its throb, my heart. A voice inside the beat says, 'I know you're tired, but come. This is the way.'
cymatics image
According to quantum physics, everything in the universe is in a state of vibration - from the nucleus of an atom to planets spinning [...]
the one chord voice - gyoto monks
Tibetan chanting traditionally employs sacred sonic formulas (called 'mantras') which make up their sacred texts. The word 'man-tra' means [...]