
If you visit a physician and complain of elbow pain, then hear that you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), that’s just a tag—not an answer. ~ Anthony William
If you visit a physician and complain of elbow pain, then hear that you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), that’s just a tag—not an [...]
When we’re sick, we question ourselves. We feel cut off from life, from what we were put on earth to do. We doubt basic truths, like the body’s ability to heal, because we haven’t yet connected to what’s really behind our illnesses. We go from doctor to doctor, medical community to medical community, looking for an answer. We lose faith in [Countinue reading...]
you can heal your life - book cover
Louise Hay singled handedly launched the self-help field, with her key message being, 'If we are willing to do the mental work, almost [...]
energy medicine heals woman's tumour
Energy Medicine is the art and science of fostering physical, psychological and spiritual health and well-being." Donna Eden You are a [...]
the healing properties of water
"I readily believe that there are more invisible than visible Natures in the Universe." ~ Water, Water Everywhere, originally from [...]
Earthing restores your body’s natural internal electrical stability and rhythms. It shifts the nervous system from a stress-dominated mode to one of calmness ~ Clint Ober
Earthing restores your body’s natural internal electrical stability and rhythms. It shifts the nervous system from a stress-dominated [...]
The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.