
Do not waste the precious moments of this, your present reality, seeking to unveil all of life’s secrets. Those secrets are secret for a reason. Grant your God the benefit of the doubt. Use your Now Moment for the Highest Purpose—the creation and the expression of Who You Really Are. Decide Who You Are—Who you want to be—and then do everything in your power to be that.
Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.
Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing the self is enlightenment. ~ Lao Tzu
Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing the self is enlightenment. Conquering others is power; conquering the self is [...]
Through the power of our forgotten inner technology, we can heal, bilocate, be everywhere at once, remote-view, connect telepathically, [...]
the divine matrix - book cover
Between 1993 and 2000, a series of groundbreaking experiments revealed dramatic evidence of a web of energy that connects everything in our [...]
Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.
Most of you do not truly understand how powerful the Law of Attraction really is. People are drawn together because of it. Every circumstance and event is a result of it. ~ Abraham-Hicks
Most of you do not truly understand how powerful the Law of Attraction really is. People are drawn together because of it. Every [...]
The most powerful thing you can do is to spend time every day visualising your life as you want it to be.
The most powerful thing you can do - the thing that will give you much greater leverage than any actions - is to spend time every day [...]
Your true power comes from your alignment, not your action!
Your true power comes from your alignment, not from your action. If you look carefully at your own life to see when you are taking action [...]
We have the power to protect ourselves. We are not imprisoned by our genetics because it’s not true that genetics determine whether we will have cancer. ~ Anthony William
We have the power to protect ourselves. We are not imprisoned by our genetics because it’s not true that genetics determine whether we [...]