
It’s critical to know that our bodies don’t attack themselves. ~ Anthony William
It’s critical to know that our bodies don’t attack themselves. Here is the truth: the inflammation in the joints is there to protect [...]
If you visit a physician and complain of elbow pain, then hear that you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), that’s just a tag—not an answer. ~ Anthony William
If you visit a physician and complain of elbow pain, then hear that you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), that’s just a tag—not an [...]
When we’re sick, we question ourselves. We feel cut off from life, from what we were put on earth to do. We doubt basic truths, like the body’s ability to heal, because we haven’t yet connected to what’s really behind our illnesses. We go from doctor to doctor, medical community to medical community, looking for an answer. We lose faith in [Countinue reading...]
It appears to me that we are, first and foremost, looking for the experience of love. ~ Russell Targ
It appears to me that we are, first and foremost, looking for the experience of love. In a meditative state of mind, we can become aware [...]
you can heal your life - book cover
Louise Hay singled handedly launched the self-help field, with her key message being, 'If we are willing to do the mental work, almost [...]
We create every so-called illness in our body. Resentment, criticism, and guilt are the most damaging patterns.
We create every so-called illness in our body. Resentment, criticism, and guilt are the most damaging patterns. Releasing resentment will [...]
You are building a body of light. You are evolving into a new race of beings. ~ Sanaya Roman
You are building a body of light. You are evolving into a new race of beings.
Your body is absolutely a pure reflection of the way you think ~ Abraham-Hicks
Your body is absolutely a pure reflection of the way you think. There is nothing else that is affecting your body other than your [...]
body dharma - be a hollow bamboo
A bamboo: inside completely hollow. When you rest, you just feel that you are like a bamboo: inside completely hollow and empty. And in [...]
As we begin to travel more lightly within the body, and our minds give up the constant preoccupation with body thoughts, aging becomes a different experience. ~ Marianne Williamson
As we begin to travel more lightly within the body, and our minds give up the constant preoccupation with body thoughts, aging becomes a [...]