Our Cookies Explained

Where does the name originate?

Initially developed in 1995, Cookies have been used since the start of the web as we know it. The origin of the word comes from ‘magic cookie’ – technical jargon for information shared between several pieces of software.

The term may also be linked to the tradition of offering and sharing edible cookies in America.

What is a cookie?

A cookie consists of a basic text file with anonymous information that includes a unique user identification and website name.

A cookie may be placed on your computer when you visit a website, and each individual website can only view only the cookies it has stored on your computer.

Why use Cookies?

The use of cookies offers an improved online experience by storing your data anonymously. This can take the form of either a ‘session cookie’ that remembers you for a single visit or a ‘persistent cookie’ for multiple visits.

Certain types of cookies are necessary for a website to function effectively. These are called’ essential’ cookies, while those that optimise a website are termed ‘non-essential’ cookies.

What do Cookies do?

A cookie allows easy navigation between pages on a website by learning your preferences. Many cookies are also used to display advertising content more relevant to you, based on website activity and approximate location.

When cookies are not used a website will view you as a new visitor each time you visit. This can slow down your online experience, leading to issues such as your login details being requested repeatedly, and items added to your basket being lost.

Cookies provided by a website you view are termed ‘first party’ cookies, while cookies from sites displaying content on another website are known as ‘third party’ cookies.

Our Cookies do not threaten your privacy. Click here for more info on Cookies