Access The Infinite Power Within You!

“Study thine self”. That is what the Buddha said, the Christ also said it… all masters walking this Earth have said it. Yet, how many of us have truly listened?

Don’t just study other people’s thoughts – no matter how good! Don’t just study religion, or science, or anything else. Use outer tools as a bridge to find your most vital inner tool: awareness!

Awareness can be blunt or sharp, narrow or broad.  Take your big toe, for example.  How many times are you aware of your big toe during each and every day?  Probably not many times unless, of course, you happen to stub your toe. Then all your awareness focuses on that area as you cry out in pain!  You won’t notice much outside of that, in that moment.

Your awareness is always changing – notice it.

The trouble with the human intellect is that it gets confused because it is only a part of the total holistic system of intelligence that operates within you, through you and all around you. Dr. Bruce Lipton points out that our conscious mind can only process 40 stimuli per second, whilst our subconscious processes an incredible 20,000,000 stimuli per second, an almost inconceivable amount!

Most school systems today are still failing children because they are stuck in a paradigm that teaches only one side of the coin – rational mind, otherwise known as intellect. Schools teach children to assimilate knowledge and dry facts, not true ‘knowing’. All power is diverted to an outside source even if that source is faulty.  This is clearly a recipe for failure in life…

Most of all, children are taught not to question the voice of authority.  Parents don’t want it, teachers don’t want it, governments don’t want it… everyone wants a peaceful life, don’t they?  But this system is creating chaos on this planet as we witness the fragmentation of our psyche playing out. Mental illness has never been higher. Twenty-first century diseases are on the increase, with no end in sight. Physical burnout has never been higher…

What is the solution to the madness?  The answer is simple, yet profound.  Within you is an Infinite Knowing and Infinite Power that can bestow healing and peace in an instant. It is not dependent on outside sources for validation. It is already there, waiting for you to acknowledge it.

You are already a part of Divine Consciousness, that which you might choose to call ‘God’, and your inner intelligence already knows this. No proof is required. There is no ‘separation’, only the illusion of separation (called ‘maya’). You simply need to tune in and feel the inner communication that is happening all the time between you (the small, ego self) and You (the Greater Self, Higher Self, God, Atma, Divine Consciousness).

If you take a droplet of water from the ocean, it will have the same properties as the large body of water from which it was taken but it will not represent the totality of the ocean’s power. On the other hand, if you put that droplet back into the ocean, then its power becomes unlimited again!

What if we, as droplets, are already connected to the body of water that is ‘God’?  Our conscious minds have been trained to be dull, so most will have difficulty understanding this from a dry, intellectual perspective. Our intuitive minds have no problem with this reality but intuition is not honoured in schools, universities or work places.

Quantum science has already proven that not everything is as it seems, and that we are connected beyond time and space at the ‘energy’ level. So why are we still living disconnected, fragmented lives?

Meditation is one of best ways to access this power within. You have to go within your self, through a process called meditation, to feel this connection and power, to sense it and to know it as truth.

If you doubt your own connection to a Higher Power, you have not done the work yet… you have not entered the path of Ascension.

To ascend simply means to merge back with the Oneness, with the reality of Peace and Compassion.

Begin with quiet meditation each day and see where it leads you. Do not operate on automatic, turning on the radio or TV and flooding your senses with all kinds of mental garbage.

Anything that quiets the chattering mind is meditation – meditation is about finding stillness, about catching the space between thoughts. What puts YOU in the zone?!

What puts you in that place where no thought exists, where life is free of conceptual overlay? 

Don’t listen to scholars or priests or anyone else who presumes to be an authority on life, unless they have awakened to their inner truth and have deeply realised the interconnected of this life. Mostly, they are identified with intellect and mental concepts – they are blind men who have never seen a sunrise or sunset, so how can they guide you?

Those who have awakened will speak very differently to those who are asleep. 13th-century Persian poet, Islamic scholar and Sufi mystic Rumi is a case in point – he was an awakened being and he always pointed to that which was/is within us. All masters from all religions will have said the same thing – anything else is distortion.

Meditation can be talking a walk in nature and being free from thought – you don’t have to sit in a room in ‘lotus’ pose and concentrate on your navel.

The famous Christian psychic Edgar Cayce said that Prayer is talking to God, and that Meditation is listening to God. He was in touch with that Immortal Self, beyond time and space.

We all have the ability to know this for ourselves because the time of Great Awakening is at hand.

Expand Your Awareness:

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  1. Book a life changing “remote healing session” with Soul Guidance with Jaime:
  2. Join Jaime’s fantastic 1 year Energy Coaching Program: Total Frequency Shift — Discover Radiant Health & Freedom
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October 12, 2016

Jaime Tanna

Jaime Tanna is an international teacher and energy therapist specialising in the healing arts. As the visionary founder and director of Energy Therapy, Jaime is an experienced Spiritual Teacher/Mentor, Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher, Sound Healer and Intuitive, and brings a wide array of different skills to the healing table. Coming from a family of pharmacists and doctors, Jaime grew up with a strong allopathic model of the world but quickly saw the limitations of that paradigm. Today, with clients and students throughout the world, Jaime specialises in personal and spiritual development, yoga and meditation, and clearing and rebalancing the human energy field inspiring clients and students to connect to their deepest being to create a life lived on purpose, and with joy!

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2 responses to “Access The Infinite Power Within You!”

  1. Jade Taumata says:

    Wow totally amazed brother Keep up the solid work you are doing and I’m very interested in this topic as I totally resonates with me sending you and your family my love in light blessings brother

  2. Victoria Turrey says:

    Im interested in learning more about this.

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